Saturday, July 26, 2008

Wedding Pictures page

I should have told you when you go to Brian's page, click on the blog link (

Have a great rest of the weekend!!


Wedding Pictures and more

For a small sampling of the pictures that were taken at our wedding go to  Brian takes FANTASTIC pictures and we are very thankful to have been able to have him take our pictures!!

Also for some reason tonight I wanted to watch this video off of youtube ( tonight and thought that you might enjoy it too.  It is of the Star Spangled Banner and it sends chills down my legs every time I hear it.

Don't for get to check out our blogs at or

I hope you have a fantastic rest of the weekend!

Jeff and Desirée

Friday, July 11, 2008

Hilarious Wedding Picture

We're still waiting for our wedding pictures to be ready. (A very talented friend is taking care of that for us.) BUT, we did get some pictures from Jeff's mom. Here's one that I think is GREAT! I feel like Jeff probably receives this look from me a lot. The "what are you talking about/you better be kidding" look...Enjoy!

Camping & 4 Wheeling Photos

Camping & Four Wheeling

We went camping over the July 4th holiday. It was my (Desiree) first experience camping as an adult.

Our trip started out exciting as most of us met at the Shoney's in Alcoa. We were quite a sight with all the raised Jeeps, duelies pulling car trailers loaded with Jeeps, Jeeps pulling trailers loaded down with baby strollers...we took two vehicles ourselves. (Jeff driving his dad's truck pulling a box trailer and me driving the Jeep.) As we were eating breakfast, one of the guys snorted and I looked up in time to see a guy with hair JUST LIKE Joe Dirt's. The funniest part was this guy was in his 50's and driving a Buick. Of course, every one spotted him and we were all questioning whether or not this guy was for real. He kept walking back and forth in front of Shoney's. We all smothered giggles (some better than others). As he was getting into his car, I saw his shirt. On it, written in black sharpie, were the words "ROGAINE WORKS". It was HILARIOUS! It was a great way to begin our adventure.

We got to the camping sites with no problems. (Other than me looking up in the rear view mirror of the Jeep only to the see the guy behind me locking up the brakes on his truck/car hauler and heading towards the shoulder of the road.) We set up camp, hung out, ate dinner, and then went to bed. The next morning, we woke up and everything was so damp because of the dew that fell overnight. I'm sure it didn't help that we camped right in front of a small river. Jeff commented on how we had the sound machine LIVE overnight rather than the prerecorded one we use at home...same sound.

Mid-morning Friday everyone lowered the air on their tires, packed some sandwiches and off to the bumpy trail we headed. We didn't get too far before the excitement began. We stayed in one spot almost three hours because of someone breaking an axle AND drive shaft. Plus, everyone had to wench out of the spot. Jeff was the first one up the trail, so that left him to doing much of the wenching for the guys without one. (Side note: I do find something funny. Right when Jeff and I first starting dating we took this same trail. I rode up this difficult spot - eyes closed, butt clenching the seat - but I RODE up it. This time, Jeff heads towards the Jeep after making a preliminary plan of attack and says, "I'd rather you not ride up this part". I just laughed on the inside...guess he's got nothing to prove now that we're married ;P.)

Saturday, we woke to rain and everyone agreed that it was best not to ride. Everyone packed up and headed out in groups of 2-3 families. We were in the last group to leave. Again, on the way down the mountain, a different driver/truck/car hauler combo was following me. We had to stop at one spot to let some cars come through and all of a sudden I hear screeching tires and see the truck behind me all loaded down sliding towards the sheer rock face being pushed by the trailer he was pulling. He stopped only feet from it. LESSON LEARNED: I will not drive in front of the car hauling trucks the next time we travel in a convey.

Overall, it was a good weekend. Jeff didn't break anything, no one got hurt, and we were back home in our bed with the A/C Saturday night.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Honeymoon Photos

One Month Anniversary

Today marks one month of being married. In some ways, it feels like it's been ten years and in other ways it still feels brand new.

I think the best and the worse part about being married is sharing. I've (Desiree) been single for a LONG time and EXTREMELY independent. I like my stuff, my space, my time, and my thoughts. It's been hard to let go of all those things. The hardest part is being completely transparent with Jeff. I'm used to thinking/sorting through things on my own before confiding in/seeking counsel of others to assist in the sort. Jeff also has a tough time remembering to include me in making plans (he's been flying solo for a couple of years, too) that involve both of us. He's used to planning for one and now there's two to consider. We both ask that you'd pray for us in the area of communication.

Another tough area we tackle is church. While single both of us attended great churches, though similar in doctrinal issues, stylistically they teaching, music, and serving styles. It's a struggle over saying goodbye to our spiritual homes and families. Pray for wisdom and guidance.

We do appreciate all the support that our family and friends have offered during our whirlwind over the past 8 months.