Friday, September 26, 2008

Furniture Update

We finally got a dining room table and we now have two out of four chairs. (We're still working on getting four UNDAMAGED chairs.) Here's a before and after with the new table. (And proof that MY husband does dishes...without being made to!!!)

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

"Real" Wedding Pictures

We got our wedding pictures back and this is my favorite picture.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Furniture Frustration

On June 27, Jeff and I started the process of buying a dinner room table..."process?" I hear you thinking. Yeah, process.

We found a table at a local furniture store that we both liked. The price was right, so we bought it. The salesman said "3-6 weeks" and the table will be in. At week 4, we went back to the store and checked the status...the said "looks like it might be in this week. We'll call you." They never called. Around week 8 we went back in, and found out the company had been sold. They were in the process of moving data from one server system to another. "Trucks should be rolling again this week. We'll call you Tuesday with more information." Tuesday came and went. No call. That next Saturday we went back and wanted to speak with a manager. He checked and there were none of our tables at the warehouse and none even slated to be at that warehouse for a while. He said he'd check some other warehouses on Tuesday. He did and called. No tables to be had. We got our money back.

Then, we went to another furniture store in the West Knoxville area and found another table we liked (and this time we liked the chairs, too). We paid for it, found out they were in stock, and Jeff made arrangements to pick all of it up on Monday. When Jeff went on Monday (two weeks ago), both of the tables they had in stock were damaged. So no table. He calls our sales lady and she said she'd reorder one and even eat the delivery costs.

This morning our table and chairs came. After they carried the four chairs in, they announce..."this table is damaged. Would you like to keep it while we order you another one?" ARE YOU KIDDING ME???? Then, upon closer inspection, three of the four chairs were either damaged or extremely wobbly. So again, no table. I'm a little frustrated and confused at why we (apparently) aren't supposed to have a new dining room table.

Stay tuned as this saga unfolds....

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Farm Day 2008

So, my sweet husband used his day off this week to go on a field trip with me. He's getting pretty good at herding cats...ummmm, I mean keeping up with third graders. Here's a couple of my favorite pictures from today...sorry about the shaky bus photo.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Bowling Domination

Weekends are filled with such a dichotomy of emotion for me. I am thankful that another long week is over and I have time to rest and refuel for the next week, but sad that the weekend is so short!!

Last night, we had a fun time with another couple as we ate hamburgers (and homemade peanut butter pie) before heading off to Family Bowl for a couple of games. The first game was pretty one really showed any potential for domination. I think we were to enraptured with the black lights, disco ball, and myriad of crazy music coming from the jukebox. The second game was a little more exciting (at least for me). I was the queen of knocking down nine pins my first bowl and finishing the frame with a spare...that means, my score starting escalating pretty steadily. I am proud to say I took care of business with a score of 163.

This morning we slept late, and Jeff cooked breakfast while I got in a few more minutes of studying for my Systematic Theology quiz. I took my quiz while Jeff was cleaning up the kitchen. I am excited to say I scored a 22/25 (which is 88%). A couple of questions were worded a little awkwardly so I wasn't sure what the professor was looking for...but either way, I'm satisfied with my grade.

From the beginning of my online seminary class adventure through Southern Seminary, this is the course I have most wanted to take. I was a little intimidated by the course name and subject matter, but excited about the expounding of the deep riches of the Word. Even though I am only 1/3 of the way through the class I can already say it's my favorite class by far!!

The rest of our weekend will be filled with our date night tonight, my helping to lead worship in Satellite 1 in the morning, and lunch at Jeff's dad's house. Tomorrow is Jeff's birthday.

I hope everyone has a great weekend and spend time worshiping our Creator and God this weekend!!


BTW, many have asked...what is Systematic's my professor's definition:

"Systematic Theology is the comprehensive understanding and coherent study of what can be known about God and his relation to his created universe, in a manner which is understandable and applicable to contemporary audiences, to the end that God's people are strengthened and satisfied in him, to the praise and glory of his name." -Dr. Bruce Ware

Friday, September 12, 2008

When he strikes, strike back!

It's funny how the devil will hit you with things.  Often times you don't realize that it is him until you are either through the storm or you take a step back and realize it.  Then you have to stop and thank God that he is miraculous, wonderful and truly blesses His children!

Take a minute to think back to when you have had fear, financial troubles, emotional pain, physical stresses, etc, etc, etc...  Who has always been there? God.  He is always with you no matter what you may be facing.

Don't let the devil sneak in and take the peace and joy that the Lord has given you.  Strike back at him with prayer and petition to God!  Through God all things are accomplished!!


..GO and make disciples of all the nations... (Matthew 28:19a) - Who am I to argue with that?

Friday, September 5, 2008

Ode to something..

It's a beautiful Friday morning here in Knoxville.  Today I'm off from work.  I started a new work schedule a few weeks before DesirĂ©e went back to school that gives me every other Friday off.  It works out well.  I have been able to do projects/things around the house (started the electrical wiring on the detached garage, finished the end hall closet, done laundry, cleaned the house, mowed) on my off days, but today I'm going out to DesirĂ©e's school to have lunch with her and meet her kiddies.  Should be great times.  With me going early in the day there really won't be anyone serving lunch at that time, so we're going to order some Papa Johns and have it delivered.  Mmmm....

The past week or so I've been fighting off a sinus infection/cold.  I think I'm on the downhill swing of things, but it is still lingering on just a bit.  I hope you enjoyed D's poem that she wrote in the spring from a previous post.  It makes me giggle reading it, I feel it very appropriate..  :)

Work for me is going good.  We had a major unplanned outage last Sunday (day before labor day) that I had to go in at 4a for and didn't get finished fixing things until after 2p.  It turned into a long day for sure, but we worked diligently and I feel we did a great job considering.  Unfortunately some may not think we did things fast enough, which is frustrating, especially when they don't understand what it is that we do..  Oh, well nothing like bad criticism huh?

This next weekend will be D's first weekend on the praise team at church (on stage during a service), if you wouldn't mind praying for confidence and clear headedness (no stopped up ears) leading up to Sunday and on Sunday, that would be great.  I know she will do fantastic!

I hope you are you doing great, leave us a comment and let us know how you are doing!
