Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Neat little video

A little video for your enjoyment...

Isn't it awesome that God lives in His children?!
I hope you have a wonderful Christmas with family & friends..


Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Random this, Random that...

It's been a while since I have penned anything on here and I thought that now is a good time..

Lately (the past week or so), it seems like I am being more and more bombarded with vulgarity.  From things that I see, to things that I read (accidentally), to even things that I say.  Last night as we (Desiree and I) were heading in to see Trans-Siberian Orchestra, I said something that was completely mean and rude (not directed at her by the way).  Afterward I felt awful for saying it..  At work I'm being semi asked to do things that I'm not comfortable doing, to participate in investigations on certain things that require questionable activities and more...

Anyways, please be praying for me on this regard.  That I can get through the stuff at work without any more interaction with investigations.

On a much lighter note, we went to see Trans-Siberian Orchestra last night.  It was great!  I was on sensory overload.  When we went in, the truss (what holds the lights), was right down on the stage.  Then as the show started, it raised up.  The whole time it was in a constant state of movement.  I have never seen anything like that before.  If you get a chance to see it, I would highly recommend it!

We hope you and your family have a very Merry Christmas!!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Emmanuel -- God with Us

Emmanuel...God with us.

This weekend we sang "Jesus Messiah" during the worship set and every time we would sing the "Blessed Redeemer, Emmanuel"...I immediately translated to "God with Us" in my mind...the next lines, "the Rescue for sinners...the Ransom from Heaven" I couldn't help but think that God is WITH us...He is the God Who is WITH us to rescue us from sin...the God Who is WITH us, Who paid our Ransom. He is WITH US...not some aloof god who is housed in temples or statues or is said to be in the wind or the earth. Psalm 46:1-3 kind of sums up why these couple of lines from a simple worship song has resonated with me this weekend.

"God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear though the earth gives way, though the mountains be moved into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam, though the mountains tremble at its swelling."

God should be our refuge and our strength...because He is a very PRESENT help in trouble. So often, I find myself trying to rely on me or Jeff for some kind of refuge or strength. Although, I realize that God designed marriage to be a source of refuge and strength it is not the omnipresent, omnipotent, or omniscience refuge and strength of our God.

For the past couple of days I have prayed that the LORD would show up in unexpected ways in my life and that I would recognize it. This morning He showed up and I am grateful for the grace that allowed the eyes of my heart to see it.

Thank you, LORD for your faithfulness. My Emmanuel...God with us.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Christmas at Our House

November flew by and now the first week of December is gone as well. It's been a busy time as I've finished up my seminary class and we've began preparing for Christmas. We both will serve at church one production weekend. Jeff is working within the technical portion of the service and I'm singing on the praise team for preservice and worship music. Next week will be full of rehearsals. It's nice to have someone to share this busy and special time of the year with. Here's a few Christmas pictures from our house.

Jeff is putting Christmas lights on our roof. (Right before it started raining on him!!)

We're in the process of moving Jeff's old furniture out and replacing it with mine since it's a littler, it's definitely more Christmas-y! :)

Sunday, November 2, 2008


 Someone sent this to me almost two weeks ago and I just now got around to reading it.  I would suggest that you go out and vote, who ever your candidate might be.  BUT I would strongly urge you to vote the issues, the real issues.  This video that was put out by the Catholic church gives a glimpse of the real issues that are at hand for this time in our country's history.

..GO and make disciples of all the nations... (Matthew 28:19a) - Who am I to argue with that?

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Friday, September 26, 2008

Furniture Update

We finally got a dining room table and we now have two out of four chairs. (We're still working on getting four UNDAMAGED chairs.) Here's a before and after with the new table. (And proof that MY husband does dishes...without being made to!!!)

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

"Real" Wedding Pictures

We got our wedding pictures back and this is my favorite picture.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Furniture Frustration

On June 27, Jeff and I started the process of buying a dinner room table..."process?" I hear you thinking. Yeah, process.

We found a table at a local furniture store that we both liked. The price was right, so we bought it. The salesman said "3-6 weeks" and the table will be in. At week 4, we went back to the store and checked the status...the said "looks like it might be in this week. We'll call you." They never called. Around week 8 we went back in, and found out the company had been sold. They were in the process of moving data from one server system to another. "Trucks should be rolling again this week. We'll call you Tuesday with more information." Tuesday came and went. No call. That next Saturday we went back and wanted to speak with a manager. He checked and there were none of our tables at the warehouse and none even slated to be at that warehouse for a while. He said he'd check some other warehouses on Tuesday. He did and called. No tables to be had. We got our money back.

Then, we went to another furniture store in the West Knoxville area and found another table we liked (and this time we liked the chairs, too). We paid for it, found out they were in stock, and Jeff made arrangements to pick all of it up on Monday. When Jeff went on Monday (two weeks ago), both of the tables they had in stock were damaged. So no table. He calls our sales lady and she said she'd reorder one and even eat the delivery costs.

This morning our table and chairs came. After they carried the four chairs in, they announce..."this table is damaged. Would you like to keep it while we order you another one?" ARE YOU KIDDING ME???? Then, upon closer inspection, three of the four chairs were either damaged or extremely wobbly. So again, no table. I'm a little frustrated and confused at why we (apparently) aren't supposed to have a new dining room table.

Stay tuned as this saga unfolds....

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Farm Day 2008

So, my sweet husband used his day off this week to go on a field trip with me. He's getting pretty good at herding cats...ummmm, I mean keeping up with third graders. Here's a couple of my favorite pictures from today...sorry about the shaky bus photo.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Bowling Domination

Weekends are filled with such a dichotomy of emotion for me. I am thankful that another long week is over and I have time to rest and refuel for the next week, but sad that the weekend is so short!!

Last night, we had a fun time with another couple as we ate hamburgers (and homemade peanut butter pie) before heading off to Family Bowl for a couple of games. The first game was pretty one really showed any potential for domination. I think we were to enraptured with the black lights, disco ball, and myriad of crazy music coming from the jukebox. The second game was a little more exciting (at least for me). I was the queen of knocking down nine pins my first bowl and finishing the frame with a spare...that means, my score starting escalating pretty steadily. I am proud to say I took care of business with a score of 163.

This morning we slept late, and Jeff cooked breakfast while I got in a few more minutes of studying for my Systematic Theology quiz. I took my quiz while Jeff was cleaning up the kitchen. I am excited to say I scored a 22/25 (which is 88%). A couple of questions were worded a little awkwardly so I wasn't sure what the professor was looking for...but either way, I'm satisfied with my grade.

From the beginning of my online seminary class adventure through Southern Seminary, this is the course I have most wanted to take. I was a little intimidated by the course name and subject matter, but excited about the expounding of the deep riches of the Word. Even though I am only 1/3 of the way through the class I can already say it's my favorite class by far!!

The rest of our weekend will be filled with our date night tonight, my helping to lead worship in Satellite 1 in the morning, and lunch at Jeff's dad's house. Tomorrow is Jeff's birthday.

I hope everyone has a great weekend and spend time worshiping our Creator and God this weekend!!


BTW, many have asked...what is Systematic's my professor's definition:

"Systematic Theology is the comprehensive understanding and coherent study of what can be known about God and his relation to his created universe, in a manner which is understandable and applicable to contemporary audiences, to the end that God's people are strengthened and satisfied in him, to the praise and glory of his name." -Dr. Bruce Ware

Friday, September 12, 2008

When he strikes, strike back!

It's funny how the devil will hit you with things.  Often times you don't realize that it is him until you are either through the storm or you take a step back and realize it.  Then you have to stop and thank God that he is miraculous, wonderful and truly blesses His children!

Take a minute to think back to when you have had fear, financial troubles, emotional pain, physical stresses, etc, etc, etc...  Who has always been there? God.  He is always with you no matter what you may be facing.

Don't let the devil sneak in and take the peace and joy that the Lord has given you.  Strike back at him with prayer and petition to God!  Through God all things are accomplished!!


..GO and make disciples of all the nations... (Matthew 28:19a) - Who am I to argue with that?

Friday, September 5, 2008

Ode to something..

It's a beautiful Friday morning here in Knoxville.  Today I'm off from work.  I started a new work schedule a few weeks before Desirée went back to school that gives me every other Friday off.  It works out well.  I have been able to do projects/things around the house (started the electrical wiring on the detached garage, finished the end hall closet, done laundry, cleaned the house, mowed) on my off days, but today I'm going out to Desirée's school to have lunch with her and meet her kiddies.  Should be great times.  With me going early in the day there really won't be anyone serving lunch at that time, so we're going to order some Papa Johns and have it delivered.  Mmmm....

The past week or so I've been fighting off a sinus infection/cold.  I think I'm on the downhill swing of things, but it is still lingering on just a bit.  I hope you enjoyed D's poem that she wrote in the spring from a previous post.  It makes me giggle reading it, I feel it very appropriate..  :)

Work for me is going good.  We had a major unplanned outage last Sunday (day before labor day) that I had to go in at 4a for and didn't get finished fixing things until after 2p.  It turned into a long day for sure, but we worked diligently and I feel we did a great job considering.  Unfortunately some may not think we did things fast enough, which is frustrating, especially when they don't understand what it is that we do..  Oh, well nothing like bad criticism huh?

This next weekend will be D's first weekend on the praise team at church (on stage during a service), if you wouldn't mind praying for confidence and clear headedness (no stopped up ears) leading up to Sunday and on Sunday, that would be great.  I know she will do fantastic!

I hope you are you doing great, leave us a comment and let us know how you are doing!


Saturday, August 23, 2008

Ode to Green Snot -- An Original Poem by Me

Green snot, green snot
In my tissue you’re caught.
I wonder why you won’t go away.
Sometimes I’m afraid you’re here to stay.

All day long my nose I blow.
Bugging all my kids I know.
Puffs Plus is making money off me.
Snot free is all I want to be.

Green snot, green snot
In my tissue you’re caught.
I wonder why you won’t go away.
Sometimes I’m afraid you’re here to stay.

My throat is sore, too.
My nose to breathe through.
Is one other thing I want today.
Why can’t I get my way?

Green snot, green snot
In my tissue you’re caught.
I wonder why you won’t go away.
Sometimes I’m afraid you’re here to stay.

Systematic Theology & Sinus Infections

It’s 3:11am on Saturday morning and thanks to a crazy, rapidly developed sinus infection I am wide awake. Normally, if I wake up in the middle of the night and don’t fall back to sleep immediately I put my hand somewhere on Jeff (tonight it was directly over his heart) and pray over him. Usually, I fall back to sleep (which is great…what better place to be for rest, but in the presence of the Rest Giver). Tonight, I couldn’t. After praying for Jeff…for all wisdom and knowledge from Lord (Eph. 1:16-18), a heart that is like clay, soft & pliable (Is. 64:8), his spiritual leadership, and a heart for the nations (beginning here at home)…to name just a few…I was still wide awake. Then, my brain started whirling with all the stuff going on right now.

School started a couple of weeks ago and I have a sweet group of students, but it’s been a rough couple of weeks waiting for the logistics of support services to be worked out. It’s funny how some years I feel like I’ve got a handle on the material that I’m teaching and I’m satisfied with what’s happening in my classroom and then other years, like this one, I think a lot about what I can do to improve my teaching and how to help my kids understand our subject matter better. It just goes in cycles.

I’m also already feeling behind in my seminary class for this semester. I had pretty much made up my mind (after being so excited to have finally scored a “seat” in the online Systematic Theology I course that I have sought for several semesters now) to drop the class and not take a class this semester because of some unexpected, unsought for, extra responsibilities for school. I got online Tuesday night to drop my course only to realize that I didn’t want to drop my course. That even with all the reading, endless lectures on DVDs, reading quizzes, and papers I was excited about Scripture meditation being a grade and learning more about the glorious truths that we base our salvation, our seeking, and His glory on. So, the past couple of days, I’ve been scurrying around trying to acquire the required texts, pay my tuition, and beginning to read some of the only textbook that I have (which, by the way, has over 1225 pages in it – not a typo, promise).

Jeff has also had some busy weekends this month which leaves me a little bummed. During the week, I’m always so mentally exhausted when I come home from school that I don’t really feel capable of whole lot of quality communication (after all, I just spent ALL DAY talking and being constantly surrounded by people – them waiting for my cues and my leadership). On the weekends, I just want to hang with him and have some quality time with him – focused on him and not the business of our lives. He’s been busy working extra time for his job, plus volunteering at church. Both of those things are necessary, but time consuming none the less. I know my seminary class will take up a lot of that time now. Hopefully, it will help with the frustration of feeling left behind.

Also, over the past couple of months, I have been a little lost with the transition to a new church. I haven’t really felt like I’ve been able to plug into a ministry or really that there were many to choose from. I’m used to there being almost TOO MANY ministry opportunities to choose from to a few. I “auditioned” for the worship team at church this week and was “accepted”. I’ll start going to practices over the next couple of weeks to familiarize myself with the way things go in preparing for a worship service. I am praying that this helps me build more relationship in the Body where we’re at, plus meet my need to serve, and also to use the talents/gifts the Lord has given me to glorify Him.

One final thought, and then I’m going to attempt to grab some more sleep on this Saturday morning. Everyone keeps asking me, “how’s married life?” some with cynical tones and some genuinely curious. To sum it up, I am terribly spoiled. I never thought I would want or even let someone completely take care of me. I mean, seriously, I can change my own oil, who needs a guy to do anything for me?? :) I have learned that letting Jeff take care of me makes him feel loved, plus it’s such a sweet grace gift from our Father to have a husband who wants to make sure I am provided for (all my needs and most of my wants). I feel provided for and cherished…treasured. And I think that’s the way the Lord intended it to be. If I had married earlier in my life, I think I would have not let my husband be the leader in our family because I would have felt the need to control our relationship and our home (which is not the way the Lord intended it). So, once again, I am convinced our of God’s perfect timing in what He makes all things beautiful. (Ecc. 3:11)

Pray for us in the area of time management, undivided hearts for the Lord (Ps. 86:11), and new seasons of relief from this pesky sinus issue. Thanks for letting me share my heart (and some of my whirling thoughts) with you on this early Saturday morning.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Wedding Pictures page

I should have told you when you go to Brian's page, click on the blog link (

Have a great rest of the weekend!!


Wedding Pictures and more

For a small sampling of the pictures that were taken at our wedding go to  Brian takes FANTASTIC pictures and we are very thankful to have been able to have him take our pictures!!

Also for some reason tonight I wanted to watch this video off of youtube ( tonight and thought that you might enjoy it too.  It is of the Star Spangled Banner and it sends chills down my legs every time I hear it.

Don't for get to check out our blogs at or

I hope you have a fantastic rest of the weekend!

Jeff and Desirée

Friday, July 11, 2008

Hilarious Wedding Picture

We're still waiting for our wedding pictures to be ready. (A very talented friend is taking care of that for us.) BUT, we did get some pictures from Jeff's mom. Here's one that I think is GREAT! I feel like Jeff probably receives this look from me a lot. The "what are you talking about/you better be kidding" look...Enjoy!

Camping & 4 Wheeling Photos

Camping & Four Wheeling

We went camping over the July 4th holiday. It was my (Desiree) first experience camping as an adult.

Our trip started out exciting as most of us met at the Shoney's in Alcoa. We were quite a sight with all the raised Jeeps, duelies pulling car trailers loaded with Jeeps, Jeeps pulling trailers loaded down with baby strollers...we took two vehicles ourselves. (Jeff driving his dad's truck pulling a box trailer and me driving the Jeep.) As we were eating breakfast, one of the guys snorted and I looked up in time to see a guy with hair JUST LIKE Joe Dirt's. The funniest part was this guy was in his 50's and driving a Buick. Of course, every one spotted him and we were all questioning whether or not this guy was for real. He kept walking back and forth in front of Shoney's. We all smothered giggles (some better than others). As he was getting into his car, I saw his shirt. On it, written in black sharpie, were the words "ROGAINE WORKS". It was HILARIOUS! It was a great way to begin our adventure.

We got to the camping sites with no problems. (Other than me looking up in the rear view mirror of the Jeep only to the see the guy behind me locking up the brakes on his truck/car hauler and heading towards the shoulder of the road.) We set up camp, hung out, ate dinner, and then went to bed. The next morning, we woke up and everything was so damp because of the dew that fell overnight. I'm sure it didn't help that we camped right in front of a small river. Jeff commented on how we had the sound machine LIVE overnight rather than the prerecorded one we use at home...same sound.

Mid-morning Friday everyone lowered the air on their tires, packed some sandwiches and off to the bumpy trail we headed. We didn't get too far before the excitement began. We stayed in one spot almost three hours because of someone breaking an axle AND drive shaft. Plus, everyone had to wench out of the spot. Jeff was the first one up the trail, so that left him to doing much of the wenching for the guys without one. (Side note: I do find something funny. Right when Jeff and I first starting dating we took this same trail. I rode up this difficult spot - eyes closed, butt clenching the seat - but I RODE up it. This time, Jeff heads towards the Jeep after making a preliminary plan of attack and says, "I'd rather you not ride up this part". I just laughed on the inside...guess he's got nothing to prove now that we're married ;P.)

Saturday, we woke to rain and everyone agreed that it was best not to ride. Everyone packed up and headed out in groups of 2-3 families. We were in the last group to leave. Again, on the way down the mountain, a different driver/truck/car hauler combo was following me. We had to stop at one spot to let some cars come through and all of a sudden I hear screeching tires and see the truck behind me all loaded down sliding towards the sheer rock face being pushed by the trailer he was pulling. He stopped only feet from it. LESSON LEARNED: I will not drive in front of the car hauling trucks the next time we travel in a convey.

Overall, it was a good weekend. Jeff didn't break anything, no one got hurt, and we were back home in our bed with the A/C Saturday night.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Honeymoon Photos

One Month Anniversary

Today marks one month of being married. In some ways, it feels like it's been ten years and in other ways it still feels brand new.

I think the best and the worse part about being married is sharing. I've (Desiree) been single for a LONG time and EXTREMELY independent. I like my stuff, my space, my time, and my thoughts. It's been hard to let go of all those things. The hardest part is being completely transparent with Jeff. I'm used to thinking/sorting through things on my own before confiding in/seeking counsel of others to assist in the sort. Jeff also has a tough time remembering to include me in making plans (he's been flying solo for a couple of years, too) that involve both of us. He's used to planning for one and now there's two to consider. We both ask that you'd pray for us in the area of communication.

Another tough area we tackle is church. While single both of us attended great churches, though similar in doctrinal issues, stylistically they teaching, music, and serving styles. It's a struggle over saying goodbye to our spiritual homes and families. Pray for wisdom and guidance.

We do appreciate all the support that our family and friends have offered during our whirlwind over the past 8 months.